~~1~~~New chapter! Time to dig into our character. How is your character development process coming along? Seeing progress? It is coming along...Yes, I am seeing progress. ~~~2~~~Let's unpack integrity. What is integrity to you?It is living in complete truth with yourself and with others, by a set of values you determine to live by. So rather you are doing the right thing, the good thing, the better thing, or even a bad thing...you do it while in front of others and behind closed doors. What God sees is what others see. What God hears from you is what others hear from you. ~~~3~~~According to this section, when does your true character come forth?When you are under pressure.
- What is your true character when pressure is applied?
- Strong-willed and loving. I fight with truth and love. I seek God's word that I have memorized when I am under pressure.
- If you see flaws, then what are some of things you would like to change in your character?
- Pridefulness comes out, in a way sometimes when I know what is right because God says so, but instead of acting it out without words, which I know to be wise, I foolishly speak. Controlling my tongue and being quicker to listen and respond with an action without words.
- According to the book, how to do you change character flaws?
- (Admit them, address them, and By the law of concentration, practice, and self-discipline and consistency.