1) My ideal work life has people in it. I love being creative and working with other people's creativity. The discipline of working on my health and guarding it is what I'm doing to get back to it
2) Family's can be crazy and fun. I'm cool with that so long as the daily Bible readings are happening. I took charge of that with my parents and I read it outloud to them everyday. A family that prays together, stays together ❤️
3) Perfect health to me is being lean, being able to do some legit bodyweight calisthenics. I've been working on this myself since last year just leaning out. Down 50lbs since June of 2024. 💪 More to go. Build the habits and the habits will build you.
4) Not having a continuous headache would be ideal for my financial situation. I could run the chainsaw like I once did. For the time being I must wait patently upon the LORD. I don't know how to improve the financial situation honestly.
5)I am successful when I have the peace of God and His presence with me. It's worth more than any material possession. I want more of God and for Him to keep doing what he's doing in me. Success is following the LORD
6)Better sleep hygiene and a rock solid sleep schedule. I get knocked off course with the migraines, but that's no excuse. I need to do better in this area.
7)If I could wave a magic wand and be completely disciplined, I'd have amples and amples of scriptures stored in my heart and to know them intimately. I'm working on memory work like this and meditating on it. I'm working on this.