Saturday, 19 June 2021
  1 Replies
  239 Visits
3 things that happen when a Kingdom Man rises :

  1. Character is renewed
  2. His community is stored
  3. His culture is reclaimed
3 years ago
The world is looking for Men who look different and are willing to lead and demonstrate to others a “kingdom man”.
we are in a culture where nearly 25% of people described as nones-  no belief in God or religion.
just like the 54th regiment, kingdom men rise up and take the lead regardless of the danger or the opinions of others. 
Kingdom men look different from the culture.  

Culture stereotypes
1. sex 
2.  Strength
3.  success

A kingdom man does not pay attention to those our lives are characterized by differences in.
1.  Walk
2.   Work
3.  Words 
we honor God in these areas and treat others with honor, love, and justice 

if we do these things we will abide with God and not be shaken!
by abiding in Him we can arise.  
if you have the Son you inherited everything!

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