MMTI | Spiritual Blueprint

Have you ever wondered what growing up spiritually entails? What subjects would be good to know and what resources should you have in your library. I thought since schools and academic institutions have a road map, we should also have one in the body of Christ to track our spiritual progress. Keep in mind this is not an all exhaustive list, but a s...

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  551 Hits

MMTI | Blog | How to Stay Married for 50 Years

There are many factors that contribute to a successful marriage but here are what I believe to be the essentials. Since marriage is an institution created by God we have to first approach it from a spiritual perspective:Develop a consistent devotional life ( Prayer & Scripture reading )Pray with your wife ( and share what you learn from your st...

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  571 Hits

MMTI | Super Structure

Here is the superstructure for men! The intent is to have a blueprint and roadmap that men can use to build a balanced and successful life. Click on the image to download the document as a pdf. Print and keep handy as you build a life of significance. Block 2 - Refers to Block 7 - Refers to

  681 Hits

Anchor Your Identity in Christ

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  Romans 8:37 Several years ago, I preached a message on how the devil sometimes uses the first-person pronoun to plant thoughts in our heads to deceive us. For example, he doesn't say, "You have an eating disorder" or "You have an addiction." The devil uses the ...

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  1319 Hits

Celebrating the legacy of Rob Carman (

From Paul Cole :A powerful warrior for Jesus Christ has laid down his shield, and great is his reward. Our brother, friend and ally Dr. Rob Carman has gone to be with the Lord. Rob was a robust, loud, exuberant, engaging, fun, powerful, anointed voice for Jesus Christ - he was irrepressible. He was a force for righteousness. It is one of my life's ...

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  1548 Hits
Cron Job Starts