Thursday, 06 June 2024
  1 Replies
  186 Visits
Section 6: Psychosomatic Illness
What negative thing in your life is currently happening to you, that is NOT your fault, but you can take responsibility for?

Section 7: Blaming Is Easy
Why is blaming other things, as opposed to taking responsibility, a form of making excuses?

Section 8:The Antidote to Negative Emotions
According to this section, what is the antidote to negative emotions? What is an area of your life that you can apply this? 
4 months ago
Section 6: Psychosomatic Illness
What negative thing in your life is currently happening to you, that is NOT your fault, but you can take responsibility for?
My student loan debt--I take full responsibility for it. My co-signer is dead. Lack of knowledge lead to poor decisions. 

Section 7: Blaming Is Easy
Why is blaming other things, as opposed to taking responsibility, a form of making excuses? An excuse is literally the act of not taking FULL personal responsibility. Itf foolish as well because you give up control to make the changes necessary to change the situation/circumstances into one that you perfer. You play victim instead of being more than a conqueor. 

Section 8:The Antidote to Negative Emotions
According to this section, what is the antidote to negative emotions? What is an area of your life that you can apply this? To say, "I am responsible"   In all areas of my life. From health and wealth, to my mental and spiritual. From my living situation to my work life-balance, my past and my future. 
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