Sunday, 17 March 2024
  2 Replies
  316 Visits
According to this section of the book, only 20% of the people in the workforce earn 80% of the money. According to the book, why? 

Also, what are some of the skills you need to learn in order to be eligible for promotion in your career? 

In this section of the chapter, the author shows us that the overwhelming majority of America's multi-millionaires all start with no help.  According to the book, what advantage did they have over other people? 

How is this important in your own life, with reference to the kind of success you desire to achieve? 
11 months ago
Success is not an accident, nor is failure. This says that you succeed when you put the work in and you fail if you don’t. This is a true statement. We all know this but there are many times we struggle with it and not actually realizing that we are. For me this is a stern reminder that with no pain there is no gain. I  must continue to push through those hard time with on murmuring or complaining. 
11 months ago
Amen! Reminder for me also!
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