Thursday, 11 April 2024
  2 Replies
  282 Visits
The section is really important for your growth. The author says that there is a return on investment when you become a man of character. What are some of the payoffs? 

According to the book, what are the 3 ways we learn values? What are the values you admire? List them. 

In this section, we go into the psychology of the self. What does the book say are 3 parts to your personality? If you are a mighty man, then you are a high-value man. Tell us what some of your values. 
4 months ago
The section is really important for your growth. The author says that there is a return on investment when you become a man of character. What are some of the payoffs?  

  • Your self-esteem increases
  • You like and respect yourself more
  • You earn the respect and esteem of others around you
  • People will look up to and admire you
  • Doors will be opened for you
  • People will help you
  • You will be paid more
  • Promoted faster
  • Given greater responsibilities
  • Opportunities will appear all around you

According to the book, what are the 3 ways we learn values?
Instruction, Study, and Practice
What are the values you admire? List them. 

In this section, we go into the psychology of the self. What does the book say are 3 parts to your personality? If you are a mighty man, then you are a high-value man. Tell us what some of your values. 
-Your Ideal Self
-Your Self-Image
-Your Self-Esteem

--I aim to embody all the values I listed above, I definitely embody some at much higher levels than others. 
4 months ago
Man thank you, Mr. Webb for posing these questions and making it easier to digest and reflect on the topics. God bless you bro! 
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