By Guest on Sunday, 19 January 2025
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1. Name three people, living or dead, who you most admire
and describe one quality of each of them that you respect.
Jesus Christ- His perfection
Caynon Love(Dad)- His perseverance
Floyd Love (Papa)- His love

2. Determine the most important virtue or quality in your life
that you strive the most to practice or emulate.

Love your neighbor as you love yourself

3. Identify those situations in which you feel the most
confident, in which you feel like the very best person you could
possibly be.

When I am filled with the Spirit

4. What situations give you your greatest feelings of self-
esteem and personal worth?

When I working hard or finish workout out hard

5. If you were already an excellent person in every respect,
how would you behave differently from today onward?

I wouldn’t procrastinate, lie, lust, not forgive, have pride, be lazy, etc.
6. What one quality would you like people to think of when
your name is mentioned, and what could you do to ensure this

I want people to think of love when they think of me. And I can ensure that happens by showing the love of the Lord to others whenever I can.

7. In what one area do you need to be more truthful and
practice higher levels of integrity than you do today

In self discipline
Powerful responses Jaxon. Thanks for sharing!
1 month ago
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1 John 4:4, and 6-7

Grateful for the love he has known and received; therefore, he desires to give love. It overflows his soul, and he cannot contain it. He will be a flowing stream of love made glad by the glory of God!
Beautiful, born of God.

Because he is young, be careful, young man. Know your gift, but learn to understand its antithesis. Be strengthened in self-governance and flee from vain thoughts and idleness! (v.6; i.e., the spirit of error)

1 John 4:4, 6-7
1 month ago
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