Thursday, 29 February 2024
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How shall we live in order to be happy? 

What does the book say about this? What do we need to do, according to the book, to start our quest to be happy? I'm looking for specific answers - according to the book. 
1 year ago
What is your ideal life?

  1. What sort of career would you have?
  2. What sort of family life would yo have?
  3. What is your ideal health?
  4. What is your ideal financial situation?

Be realistic! 
1 year ago
Here's the answers to the questions at the end of chapter 1: 1.) If my work life and career were ideal, they would look like me helping others to achieve their dreams, in life –rather that’s helping them become homeowners, getting the body they want, or having the integrity in their relationships with God, theirselves, and their family and friends.
In order to achieve it, I must further develop my relationship with God, close more deals in real estate (become a better realtor), and find ways to serve others and console others.
2.) If my family life were ideal, God and I would be friends, His son Jesus and I would be best friends and brothers, my sons would be great friends and followers of Christ, and I would have a wife and maybe a pet dog. We would learn life together and practice godliness together. We would love and respect each other and do God’s will together. We would be generous with our time, and money and my home would be full of laughter and joy, peace, good food, delicious snacks, nice music, comfortable chairs, couches, and beds, and room to play and have fun. We would go to church, or start a ministry together for God’s Kingdom, we would work within our vocations and help others to discover how to do the same. We would all be fit, physically, and more importantly spiritually. We would be a beaming light and flavorful family of God.

In order to make this a reality, I have to remain abiding in Christ, obedient to God’s commands, and sensitive to the Holy Spirits. I must develop a deep trust in God and understanding of His will and plan for my life. I would need to marry a God-fearing woman, that loves me and my kids.

The one discipline that would help me most in this area would be developing a habit of prayer.

3.) If my health were perfect in everyway the disciplines I would have would be as follows:
a. I only eat healthy foods—No candies, No fake foods
b. I would not consume—artificially sweetened drinks, strong alcohol
c. I would go to be early and wake up early
d. I would workout and stretch daily
e. I would not consume unhealthy music, TV, Social Media,
f. I would read more and interact with people
g. I would routinely get checked up medically
h. I would drink lots and lots of water
4.) If my financial situation were ideal today, I would cheerfully tithe, and cheerfully be generous to the poor and needs of the others, financially. I would have the confidence that God provides generously for my needs and my family’s needs and uses to me to accomplish His will
5.) I am not as successful as I would like to be yet, because I am not married to the wife that I know God has in store for me, I lack faith, wisdom, knowledge, self-discipline, financial freedom, and I have physical health goals I have not yet achieved. I still struggle with nicotine and lust. I still struggle to give with a cheerful heart. I also struggle with pride, and poor choices. Training in Godliness daily will help me to achieve all these goals.
6.) Writing down and daily to do list. Sticking to it. Following the plan for the day. Work to get more clients. Read more. Play less video games. Watch less T.V. (Not sure the skill I could develop—Self discipline—Building a better routine)
7.) If I could wave a magic wand and be self disciplined in one area what area would it be? It would be Going to be Early, then Getting Up Early to Pray and Read and Write My Daily Plan.
1 year ago
I put this into practice in my home. In which I made a prayer closest in the guest bedroom of my home. I then had a devotional with my sons and we discussed the chapter in the book, and we also discussed the passages within scripture that supported our doing so. Matthew 6:6... We each have a closet in our own room that I have caught them in and I love when that happens. I need to develop and stronger discipline where I USE IT EVERY DAY.  Oftentimes I'll just lay in my bed and pray. Or pray in the shower. But there's something different about going into that special place made specifically for praying to God and have communing with Our Lord Jesus.  The coolest things is we can be confident He's there waiting for us.   
12 months ago
Excellent answer. All this love, peace and tranquility is in your heart. Ultimately, it will be self-discipline that makes these dreams of family and love come true.

The great thing is i that you know what you need to do to achieve the life you want.

Again, self discipline is the key!
12 months ago
In this section, the author says this:  "Its not that you don't know what to do, but rather that you don't have the discipline to make yourself do what you should do , whether you feel like it or not."

Give me a list of things you know you should be doing to achieve the kind of success you desire in life. Give a list of 10 things you need to do consistently to bring about victory. 
11 months ago
Looking at what success is : Success for me is the fulfillment of my assignment and helping my family and other to fulfill theirs.
11 months ago
While I don't have a "prayer closet", I have a "prayer room", where I go into the room to seek the face of God. I recently moved into an empty, three bedroom apartment. Before I moved in, I automatically picked a room where I knew I would be studying the bible and worshipping God in.

Since the room is empty, I pray in my living room. I get up in the morning and seek the face of God concerning my day. This book is changing my life. It is sooooooo good!!!
11 months ago
1.)    If my work life and career were ideal, they would look like me helping others to achieve their dreams, in life –rather that’s helping them become homeowners, getting the body they want, or helping them build good habits that lead to the realization of their desires in their relationships with God, themselves, and their family and friends. Additionally, I would bring them tons of laughter and empower them to hope and become goal-driven instead of just folks living with their dreams-deferred.In order to achieve it, I must further develop my relationship with God, close more deals in real estate (become a better realtor), and find ways to serve others and console others. Also, I need to grab a microphone and get on stage (in front of an audience/IG live/FB live, etc) and say what’s on my heart without the fear of the consequences.2.)    If my family life were ideal, God and I would be friends, His son Jesus and I would be best friends and brothers, my sons would be great friends and followers of Christ, and I would have a wife and a pet dog. We would learn life together and practice godliness together. We would love and respect each other and do God’s will together. We would be generous with our time, and money and my home would be full of laughter and joy, peace, good food, delicious snacks, nice music, comfortable chairs, couches, and beds, and room to play and have fun. We would go to church, or start a ministry together for God’s Kingdom, we would work within our vocations and help others to discover how to do the same. We would all be fit, physically, and more importantly spiritually. We would be a beaming light and flavorful family of God. In order to make this a reality, I have to remain abiding in Christ, obedient to God’s commands, and sensitive to the Holy Spirits. I must develop a deep trust in God and understanding of His will and plan for my life. I would need to marry a God-fearing woman, that loves me and my kids. The one discipline that would help me most in this area would be developing a habit of prayer and listening. 3.)    If my health were perfect in everyway the disciplines I would have would be as follows:a.       I only eat healthy foods—No candies, No fake foodsb.       I would not consume—artificially sweetened drinks, strong alcoholc.       I would go to be early and wake up earlyd.       I would workout intensely and stretch dailye.       I would not consume unhealthy music, TV, Social Media,f.        I would read more and interact with peopleg.       I would routinely get checked up medicallyh.       I would drink lots and lots of water4.)    If my financial situation were ideal today, I would cheerfully tithe, and cheerfully be generous to the poor and needs of the others, financially. I would have the confidence that God provides generously for my needs and my family’s needs and uses to me to accomplish His will. No debt of any kind, no student loans, no mortgages, no need for any types of insurances, or credit.5.)    I am not as successful as I would like to be yet, because I have deep desires that I have not received nor achieved. I am not doing the things in my heart I feel I need to be doing on a consistent basis. I am not married to the wife that I trust God has in store for me, I want more faith, wisdom, knowledge, self-discipline, financial freedom, and I have physical health goals I have not yet achieved. I still struggle with nicotine and lust. I still struggle to give with a cheerful heart. I also struggle with pride, and poor choices.  Training in Godliness daily will help me to achieve all these goals. 6.)    Writing down a daily to do list. Sticking to it. Following the plan for the day. Work to get more clients. Read more. Play less video games. Watch less T.V.The skill I could develop—Self discipline—Building a better routine 7.)    If I could wave a magic wand and be self disciplined in one area what area would it be? It would beà Humbling myself before God at all times and seeking Him at all times. More practically, it would Going to bed Early, then Getting Up Early to Pray and Read and Write My Daily Plan. Chapter 2:1.)    Name 3 people living or dead, who you most admire and describe on quality of each of them that you respecta.       Jesus Christ of Nazareth—I respect His love for God, His courage to stand up for His beliefs, is willingness to give His life and love to others, and His humility, and His sense of humor. (His integrity)b.       Floyd S. Love-I respect His love for his family, and his self-lessness.c.       Denise K. Love-I respect her fight and self-assurance, and resilience. She’s beat alcoholism, nicotine addiction, abusive relationships, kept a job, kept her faith, gave up a kidney to her sister, and got stronger, still works out, and like fine wine she just keeps getting better.2.)    Faith & Good Works, in an effort to emulate Christ, my Lord—Not out of duty, but just a loving compulsion, cuz His love is just that Perfect!3.)    Anytime I am with my sons and my attention is on them I feel confident, courageous, kind, patient, humble, etc. I trust my love for them is true, and I sincerely want whats best for them and I will do whatever God tells me to do for them to the best of my abilities.4.)    Situations in which I am helping someone do something that I am competent in doing, and they invite my help, and they are grateful for the lessons, and are able to repeat the actions taught. Usually seen in personal training or weight lifting, or when teaching lessons on math or scripture, or just common sense.5.)    I would teach others whom want to be excellent, how to become excellent, at what ever they want to be excellent at.6.)    The quality I would want people to think when they think of me, would be Christ-like, with integrity and fortitude.7.)    I want to be even more open and honest with God and others, and just confess quicker and deeper. And successfully repent. I want the devil and his angels to be afraid to mess with me or my family, cuz Jesus’ power in us, ain’t nothing to play with for him or anyone else that scatters instead of gathers for Christ.
Chapter 2:
1.) Name 3 people living or dead, who you most admire and describe on quality of each of them that you respect
a. Jesus Christ of Nazareth—I respect His love for God, His courage to stand up for His beliefs, is willingness to give His life and love to others, and His humility, and His sense of humor. (His integrity)
b. Floyd S. Love-I respect His love for his family, and his self-lessness.
c. Denise K. Love-I respect her fight and self-assurance, and resilience. She’s beat alcoholism, nicotine addiction, abusive relationships, kept a job, kept her faith, gave up a kidney to her sister, and got stronger, still works out, and like fine wine she just keeps getting better.
2.) Faith & Good Works, in an effort to emulate Christ, my Lord—Not out of duty, but just a loving compulsion, cuz His love is just that Perfect!
3.) Anytime I am with my sons and my attention is on them I feel confident, courageous, kind, patient, humble, etc. I trust my love for them is true, and I sincerely want whats best for them and I will do whatever God tells me to do for them to the best of my abilities.
4.) Situations in which I am helping someone do something that I am competent in doing, and they invite my help, and they are grateful for the lessons, and are able to repeat the actions taught. Usually seen in personal training or weight lifting, or when teaching lessons on math or scripture, or just common sense (something I still lack a great deal, but I have messed up so often, I can teach others to not do the foolish stuff I already did.)
5.) I would coach others whom want to be excellent, how to become excellent, at what ever they want to be excellent at.
6.) The quality I would want people to think when they think of me, would be Christ-like, with integrity and fortitude.
7.) I want to be even more open and honest with God and others, and just confess to quicker and deeper, ask quicker, respond to the Holy Spirit in love and obedience quicker. And successfully repent. I want the devil and his angels to be afraid to mess with me or my family, cuz Jesus’ power in us, ain’t nothing to play with for him or anyone else that scatters instead of gathers for Christ.
11 months ago
1.) Going to bed at a consistent time Early
2.) Getting up at a consistent time Early
3.) Utilizing my Secret Place daily, and Writing down Our Daily plan, daily. 
4.) Training in Godliness Daily, Thanksgiving to Christ through the day.
5.) Reading, Journaling, instead of watching TV.
6.) Eating healthy, Exercising and Stretching Daily
7.) Engaging with stangers daily.
8.) Make a habit of Confession and Preaching the Gospel to myself daily.
9.) Putting on the full armor of God Daily.
10.) Laughing and Smiling daily.
11 months ago
Nice!!!!! I see the word "consistent" and "daily" often . Out of all your list, being consistent is the most important for you. My favorite on the list is #3. Utilizing the Secret Place daily is a game changer.

Thank you for the post!
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