Thursday, 06 June 2024
  2 Replies
  156 Visits
The 3 Percent Factor
What is the 3% factor? 

Multiply Your Chances of Success

Why do you think writing down your goals and plans has a much better success rate than not writing them down?

The Discipline of Writing
The Bible says to WRITE the vision and make it plan. Why do you think the success rate of achievement is higher when you write things down?
9 months ago
Only 3% of people have written goals. I joined the 3% club 20+ years ago. It has paid off immensely. I am also an avid notetaker. I do alot of writing and capturing my thoughts and ideas.
4 months ago
The 3 Percent Factor
What is the 3% factor? 
Only 3% of adults have written goals and plans, and this 3 percent earn more than all of the other 97% put together. 

Multiply Your Chances of Success

Why do you think writing down your goals and plans has a much better success rate than not writing them down?
If you have a clear goal and a plan to achieve it, you therefore have a track to run on every single day. 

The Discipline of Writing
The Bible says to WRITE the vision and make it plain (make a plan-write the plan). Why do you think the success rate of achievement is higher when you write things down?

God knows us (HE MADE US) and he knows about the 3% Factor-- If its plain, the reader can then go run after it!!!  
Habakkuk 2:2- The Lord answered me and said, “Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it.

(Who cares why it works, IT WORKS, So DO IT!!!) 
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