By Guest on Saturday, 16 April 2022
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Here’s a powerful challenge to husbands (and those who want to become a husband) from the Moody Bible Commentary in relation to our memory verse. VOW (Verse Of the Week)

1 Peter 3:7
You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.

There is no indication the wife might be an unbeliever. Peter encourages husbands to work hard and understand their wives, an admonition requiring time and energy. A wife should never be viewed mearly as a sexual object, but there must be broader understanding. A godly husband will seek to understand his wife’s moods, feelings, needs, fears, and hopes. He will listen to her with his heart, demonstrate love, and stimulate joy. The phrase weaker vessel is interpreted in different ways, but perhaps Peter was reminding husbands that wives are (usually) physically weaker than their husband should be assisted by them when needed, but also that some wives can be broken by the pressures and responsibilities of life (although this happens to some men also). Most likely, he is calling on husbands to be understanding of their wives weaker position as the ones called to submit to them. Moreover, husbands must give their wives greater honor as fellow heirs of the grace of life. This means men are to recognize the spiritual equality of their wives. Husbands who fail to honor their wives will find their prayers being hindered. Since they are failing to honor their wives properly, perhaps the sense of guilt keeps them from praying as they should, or possibly God will not answer the prayers of men who disobey Him by not caring for their wives.

- The Moody Bible Commentary,  p. 1962
I like how it mentions honoring our wives spiritually from a perspective of equality. That is principle that I live by that has has worked well in my marriage.
2 years ago
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