Tuesday, 11 June 2024
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Generosity - What are your take aways?
9 months ago
“Giving is the highest level of living”

One of the key quotes I pulled from this chapter, however my key take away from this chapter is no matter the circumstances be grateful for what you have! The measure of a leader is the number of people who serve him but the number of people he serves because the less fortunate would do anything to have what you complain or think is little.
9 months ago
Generosity is certainly a key to a Grateful attitude and life.
The saying at the end of the chapter, "All that is not given is lost" seems to me to be a variation of, albeit a powerful variation of, the saying that I heard somewhere growing up. "All that is given, is not lost".
Either way, it is quite simply, a life altering statement.
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