Friday, 15 July 2022
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God created Adam first and gave him the responsibility of personal governance and guidelines before giving Eve to him. Adam ha to first learn and establish his individual authority before expanding it to a family.

Whoever owns the family owns the future.

A covenant is more than simply some form of a contractual agreement. In Scripture a divinely authored covenant is a spiritually binding relationship made between God and His people that includes certain agreements, benefits, conditions, and outcomes.

When a marriage functions according to the components of a covenant, the blessings of the covenant are the ultimate result.

A contract is a legal agreement that does not carry within it a spiritual and divine component, while a covenant engages God in relationship to His kingdom and the spiritual benefits and losses that occur because of that agreement.

What many men will do out of their own insecurities or fears is try to supplant their wives from developing the skills and gifts God has uniquely given to her. Rather than having wives who feel free to climb, these men wind up with wives who feel frustrated or controlled.

Men, when you operate as a kingdom man, Scripture says that your wife will cling, climb, and cluster in such a way as to produce fruit that is not only beneficial to herself and to you, but also to those within your realm.

Being Her Savior, Sanctifier, and Satisfier.
The first responsibility includes being your wife's savior. Ephesians 5:25
...a husband is to sanctify his wife. Ephesians 5:26
To sanctify something means to set it apart as special and unique. A man sanctifies his wife over time through discipling her and providing a place where she is safe to grow and develop into the creation God made her to be.
Sanctification is the process of taking someone from where they are into what they ought to be.
...a kingdom husband satisfies his wife. Ephesians 5:28-29 
Yet as we see in Proverbs 31, she does much outside of the home as well. She is a businesswoman negotiation with merchants from afar. She has a real-estate license because she is buying and selling property. She has her own ministry looking after the poor. 

As a kingdom man, one of the greatest things you can offer your children is modeling yourself as an olive tree with deep roots of stability.

Our problem today is not merely a lost generation, but it is the product of a lost generation. We have fathers who never saw their own fathers be a kingdom husband or a kingdom dad. So we have children raising themselves. Or we have children looking to the government to raise them.

So many men simply pop in on special occasions then consume themselves with their work, which leaves their wives' and children's hearts left empty. Nothing can fill the hole made from the absence of a husband or father.

Men, the time you spend with your family should never be a second thought. It should always be your first thought. Put first things first. If you haven't done it in the past, it is never too late to start today.

Family must come first after God. It is how He designed our lives to function.

In the biblical culture... They knew it was their responsibility to pass the covenantal rights and responsibilities to the next generation.

Remember Dads, that your children's view of God will largely be dependent on their view of you.

2 years ago
Thanks for the recap! We must continually reflect on our dynamic responsibilities as covenant husbands!
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