Friday, 31 December 2021
  1 Replies
  124 Visits
The Title of this Chapter is Accessing your Authority. As you continue to read this chapter, take note of the plan God is using to build you. You may even want to review the previous chapters we covered so far.


  • Introduction: Accessing your Authority
  • Key scriptures:
  • [list]
  • Dominion Covenant
  • [list]
  • A. Genesis 1:26-28 (Original empowerment)
  • B. Genesis 9:1-5 (Graceful empowerment)
  • C. Matthew 28:18-20 (Restored authority)
  • D. John 17:26 (Revelation of GOD's attributes/will through His name)
  • F.  Acts 4:10-12 (Power of the Name) 

[*]Key points : ?

  • Naming
  • [list]
  • What is the dominion covenant and what scriptures reference it?
  • What is the specific principle that we are focused on?
  • What happens when you name things and it aligns with the will of GOD?
  • Name some people who had their names changed?
  • What impact did it have on their future?
  • What four (4) things did a name denote in scripture?
  • When you use a name properly what does it give you access to?
  • A name can predetermine what?
  • What happens when you use a name without authority and what scripture amplifies this principle?


  • When God created you, He delegated the responsibility of caring for and managing His creation. That includes expanding the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Names carry power, purpose, responsibility and authority
  • As long as Satan can keep you from thinking like royalty, he can keep you from acting like royalty.

[*]Upcoming Thought for the Week.

  • The "Real McCoy"...a name is not just a word but a revelation and expectation of what inherrent or endowed capability and authority can be exercised by whom or what it is assigned to.


3 years ago
Does naming mean claiming anything and everything you want?
Should naming be solely for your benefit?
Naming should always be tied to what two important things?
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