- Introduction: God said.
- Key scriptures:
[list] - A. God said (Genesis 1:26)
- B. God created (Genesis 1:27)
- C. God blessed (Genesis 1:28)
[*]Key points : ?
- As an image bearer of God, you are responsible to mirror His character and ways. Your stamp should say “ Made in God’s Image”.
- Delegates in charge
[list] - When God created you, He delegated the responsibility of caring for and managing His creation. That includes expanding the Kingdom of Heaven. Are you a good manager?
- Disobedience limits the dominion given to you, God will not stop you from sin. But He will control the consequences.
- As long as Satan can keep you from thinking like royalty, he can keep you from acting like royalty.
[*]Upcoming Thought for the Week.
- You have a choice, you can choose to rule or be ruled! Our God given mandate is to rule with His authority and power. It’s time out for all of us to be backseat rulers. Get up and get in the front seat with Jesus, and RULE!