- Week 15 - 9/3
[list] - Introduction: Alignment for Impact; Actions of a Kingdom Man
- Key scriptures:
[list] - Deut 30:19
- Isa 55:7-13
- Gal 5:21
- Prov 4
- Proverbs 11:14
- Psalms 1:1
[*]Key points :
- Don't Forfeit
- Three (3) types of Hood (Male-hood, Boy-hood, Man-hood)
- Boy-hood qualities can be found in Domineering Man, Irresponsible Man, Sexual Man and Hedonistic Man (on page 59)
- Passive Man will not produce results and lives will hang in the balance when you fail to act. Take action before something else takes action.
- A Kingdom Man intentionally aligns himself (e.g. life, choices, thoughts and actions) under GOD.
- "Boyhood is based on immaturity copled with dependency...Boys do not make wise decisions on their own, which is fine if you are seven."
- We have men today who are looking for someone to clean up their mess, phsically, emotionally, finanicially, and relationally ..as they make self-absorbed decisions.
- Victory is found in asking questions. Humbling yourself before GOD and obtaining wisdom
[*]Upcoming Thought for the Week.
- "Are you ready to take a Stand?"