- Introduction: Alignment for Impact; Don't Forfeit
- Key scriptures:
[list] - I Tim 4:8
- I Tim 5:8
- Deut 30:19
- Gen 3:22
- Gal 5:21
- Prov 4
[*]Key points :
- Don't Forfeit
- Real men eat meat
- Get off the couch and get in the game
- Gal 5:21 focuses on the types of "Man" on page 59
- Irresponsible, Hedonistic and Dominerring Man (self focused) no growth
- "Only when a man functions as a biblical kingdom man will he experience the fullness of his destiny. Yet when a man does not live according to the biblical definition of manhood, it shows up in his own life an in the lives under his influence."
[*]Upcoming Thought for the Week.
- "Are you ready to eat like a Man?"