By Guest on Thursday, 05 December 2024
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  1. If your work life and career were ideal, what would theylook like? What one discipline could you develop that would helpyou to achieve it? My ideal work life would be one that I can fully enjoy and not have any financial or work- related stress over. One discipline that could help me to achieve it would be to be able to have good time management and know when it’s time to work and time to relax 2. If your family life were ideal, what would it look like, andwhat one discipline would help you the most to make it a reality? It would be a god fearing, merciful, hard working, LOVING, and compassionate for each other. One discipline that can help me achieve this is to be able hard worker and be disciplined.  3. If your health were perfect in every way, what disciplineswould you have that make it possible? Work out hard, take rest days, eat health, etc.  4. If your financial situation were ideal today, what onediscipline would you have that would help you the most? I would want to have financial surplus and be very comfortable with my financial situation. Not procrastinating. 5. Why aren’t you already as successful as you would like tobe, and what one discipline would help you the most to achieveall your goals? Procrastinating. One discipline would be to be active and take action.  6. What one skill could you develop that would help you torealize more of your goals? Patience. 7. If you could wave a magic wand and be completelydisciplined in one area, which one discipline would have thegreatest positive impact on your life Being consistent in what I put my mind to and what I say I will do.
Powerful responses. Love your assessments!
3 months ago
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