Monday, 18 November 2024
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1.) Identify your three biggest fears in life right now. What are they?

  • I don't live up to my God-given potential--and neglect to do the things Christ did and greater. 
  • Myself, Losing my mind, or losing my life from being foolish, losing my salvation; ruining my reputation and relationships I hold dear, not provide for my family, and/or bringing shame to God or my family, instead of glory. 
  • Fear of Embarrassment/Humiliation

2.) Determine what you would do in each of these situations if you were guaranteed complete success. What actions would you take?

  • Be at peace and take more chances. 
  • Flip Tables, Call out false teachers, fight injustices louder, do/say more to protect the unborn, call out the sin and unrighteousness even the sins I struggle with like lust/pride/my tongue/fornication/laziness/doubt/violent thoughts/procrastination, and just spread light on the truth of reality, Grab Mics, Smack folks, LiveStream often, Travel way more, Quit engineering, Counsel, Preach, Train others, and Teach full-time.  (Just go completely all out for God, in a way that may seem crazy to most, but would make me proud of myself and I'd be confident that the Holy Spirit and Jesus would be proud of me, too.) 
  • I'd already be preaching, teaching, or stand up-entertaining/motivational speaking/truth telling for a living.

3.) What have you always wanted to do but been afraid to attempt? What would you do differently if you were guaranteed success?

  • See answers above.

4.) In what three areas of life and work do you most experience the fears of failure and loss? What steps could you take immediately to confront and eliminate those fears?

  • I experience them when I neglect my relationship with God and do not put my trust into Him.  It's not very often, because I haven't missed a week in His word in over 4 years. I takes steps each season to deepen my relationship with God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. I NEED GOD--God and everyone that knows me, knows this about me. Without God, I wouldn't be here.  Prayer and Praise help me to address my fears immediately. 

5.) In what areas of life do you most experience the fears of criticism, rejection, or embarrassment? How could you confront these fears and overcome them?

  • I confront them in Real Estate when I make cold calls or go door-knocking. I need more opportunities on stage or in front of folks to face a fear of embarrassment. Criticism comes most online social media outlets, and in real estate from other listing agents. I need to find ways to publicly speak--Do Karaoke, Improv, Open Mic Nights...find outlets to practice.

6.) I Would Make over a $1 Billion, telling the truth to the world, and loving my friends, family, and clients/followers.

7.) I would literally go on vacation with my family for a year to see all the places on Earth they want to see, and document our travels, whilst making videos, doing podcasts, and holding seminars/bootcamps/and courses-- on How to Love God, How to Love your Wife, How to Love and Train up our children, and How to love yourself and others, especially your enemies, according to Jesus Christ and the truth I have experienced in life (While sharing with the world the practical steps my family and I are implementing in real time).  

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