Monday, 18 November 2024
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1.) Make a decision today to invest in yourself and getting better, as if your future depends on it--because it does!
2.) Identify the most important skills you have that determine the quality and quantity of results you get at your work, and make a plan to get better at each one.

  • For Real Estate--Don't be shy (get out there and meet new people often; engage in homeownership conversations), make the follow up calls, TIME MANAGEMENT!!! Schedule the day. Answer the phone. Social Media presence...POST!!! (Take Real Estate as serious as I take parenting)
  • Read up on city/housing trends
  • For Love Strong Ministries, START IT!!!--Get active and share the vision with mentors, and stay active. 

3.) If you could wave a magic wand and become absolutely excellent in any one skill, which one skill would have the greatest impact on your earning ability? To hear and obey the voice of God, clearly without doubt and without hesitation.   

4.) Set Excellent performance in your work as a goal, and then determine exactly what you will need to do everyday to join the top 20 percent or better in your field.
5.) Start Today, Acquiring the skills and knowledge I will need in order to lead in the field of ministry and real estate 3-5 years from now. 
6.) Select the top person in you field the one you admire the most and use him or her as a role model for your own development.  (Check out Justin Ford of EXP-- Continue to Meet with Mike Small--
7.) Commit today to lifelong learning, and never let a day go by without getting better in some area. 

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